
Below you will find the general rates for translation and interpreting services. Translation fees vary depending on the difficulty of the text (degree of specialization), deadline and volume. Send us your manuscript for free quote.
Interpreting fees depend on the content and location of the assignment. For best performance, I do thorough preparation before an assignment.  Do not hesitate to send me your requests, and I will give you a quote incl. travel costs.


  • Swedish —> Japanese     2 - 3 SEK/word in source text(S), depending on the complexity of the text.

  • Japanese —> Swedish     1.30 - 1.70 SEK/character in source text(J), depending on the complexity of the text.

  • Minimum charge for translations is 200 words/characters.


  • 600-750 SEK/hour

  • Minimum charge for interpreting service is 1 hour work.

  • For interpreting assignments, we also charge travel expense and loss-time compensation (100SEK/hour for travel time more than 1 hour). For longer trips, we will charge travel expenses, accommodation and loss-time compensation.

Tour Guide

  • 600 SEK/hour

Other services; research work, transferguide to/from airport etc

  • from 450 SEK/hour

* VAT (consumption tax)
- 25% VAT will be charged additionally to Swedish customers.
- No VAT charged to customers outside EU-countries.
- No VAT charged to customers in EU-countries if you possess VAT number.
Our company is VAT-registered and approved for FA-tax in Sweden.

*Before the assignment…
Kindly provide us with reference material before the assignment. It is essential that the interpreter has enough time to study the topic and terminology, for her best performance. For example; agenda/program, names/titles of the participants, presentations, manuscripts, other materials distributed to participants, reference materials, glossary/terminology lists etc. All sensitive company information is treated confidentially.

*Contact us for free quote :

*Cancellation Policy
Cancellations 7 - 3 days prior to the assignment will be charged with 30% of the total amount as cancellation fee.
If you cancel within 48 hours of assignment time, we will charge 50% of the total amount as cancellation fee.
If you cancel within 24 hours of assignment time, 100% cancellation fee applies for all cancelled projects.